Dialogue Not Expulsion of the Georgia Green Party
The Lavender Caucus of the Green Party has issued a statement calling on the Georgia state party to retract its endorsement of the “Declaration on Women’s Sex-Based Rights” or face decertification by the national party. It is perfectly normal for Greens to have different viewpoints on this issue, as we do on many issues. The Green way to resolve such differences, however, is to talk to each other with an openness that seeks, at a minimum, a mutual understanding of alternative points of view. We—members, volunteers, contributors and supporters of the Green Party of the United States—therefore urge that instead of the action proposed by the Lavender Caucus a respectful discussion of these and related issues be organized. We ask that all member state parties, caucuses, candidates, and locals of the party take a step back from any suggestion that state organizations or their members be decertified, sanctioned, or silenced for positions they have adopted, or for concerns which they may have expressed on these important issues. We value decentralization, grassroots democracy, and a united Green Party—which will be especially important in this difficult election year. The political principles that unite us remain far more important than the questions where we clash, significant as those questions might be.
To view those who have already signed this statement:
To sign the statement, link here:
To join the Dialogue Not Expulsion Caucus, use this link:
Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual Greens for Democracy are telling us
that the Lavender Caucus does not speak for them
and by signing this statement, you can too: